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Functions of the 残疾人服务 department include (but are not limited to):

  • 与确定有残疾/学习需要的学生会面(无论是基于 on 残疾 status or in need of study skills support).
  • Reviewing documentation provided by a student with a 残疾.
  • 确定学术住宿符合第504条的康复 Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act (1990; 修订案, 2008).
  • 为教师提供有关各种残疾的培训、教育和咨询 学习需求.
  • 就学院的法定规定向院系、项目和行政部门提供建议 对残疾学生的义务.



  • Recommend inclusive instructional strategies.
  • Discuss the appropriateness of requested academic adjustment and how to implement those adjustments for which a student is eligible.
  • 提供与各种残疾相关的教育咨询和培训 barriers to access, and strategies for inclusion.
  • 建议您是否有特定的技术或其他教学工具是可访问的 并且遵守联邦法律.

How do I know if a student really needs an academic 住宿?

You will be glad to know you do not have to make that decision. 根据联邦法律, 学术住宿的资格是在学生提出合格时确定的 并与残疾服务机构的一名成员进行互动 Center. 残疾人服务 provides a letter each 学期 notifying faculty in of reasonable 住宿 to which each student is entitled. 民权办公室 是否一再强调确定资格的权限和责任 and 住宿 lies with the 残疾人服务 office (or equivalent).


学术住宿是在合格文件的基础上确定的 identifies the existence of specific functional limitations. 然后是住宿 根据州和联邦法律,这是合理的 消除准入障碍或“公平竞争环境”和学习环境 在MCCC.

我是否应该问一个挣扎的学生他们是否已经被检测或诊断出患有自闭症 残疾?

不,你不应该问这个问题. Instead, you should speak to concerns about 与你的课程相关的特殊技能和/或知识缺陷 任何学生.

How should I respond if a student tells me s/he has a 残疾?

Unless you have received a Letter of Accommodation indicating that the student has 提供适当的文件和残疾人建议的住宿 服务 office, you are not required to provide 住宿. 教师不应该 attempt to evaluate educational, medical or psychological reports. 如果一个学生 你这样的文件或要求住宿,把文件还给学生 and refer him or her to the 残疾人服务 Center.

关于任何与残疾有关的隐私和保密,我有什么义务 information I received from a student or 残疾人服务?

学院的残疾学生服务政策规定,“教师应该 避免讨论学生有关残疾和住宿的问题 在其他学生在场的情况下,或者在没有直接参与的教职员工面前 在住宿过程中.”

我收到一封信,通知我一个学生有残疾,并建议具体 住宿, but it does not state the 残疾. 难道我不想知道吗?

No. Disclosure of specific information regarding the nature or type of 残疾 在大多数情况下,不需要充分适应学生的 学习需要. It is the student’s choice to disclose or not to disclose. 不管 良好的意图,教师不应该试图引出信息 学生状况的性质. The ADA and Section 504 protect the student’s 隐私.

残疾人服务中心通知我一个学生有残疾,需要住宿 and the student has not talked with me about it. 我该怎么办??

鼓励学生与每位教师交谈,以确保相互理解 of how suggested 住宿 will be accessed for that particular class. 如果他们 不要要求见面,你可以要求与他们见面讨论住宿条件 如果需要,但收到当前的住宿信就足以“激活”。 住宿. However concerns about the impact of a particular 住宿 should not be addressed to the student, but directly to the 残疾人服务 Center.

学期开始得很顺利,我刚刚收到了一份学生的住宿通知书. 学生申请学术住宿是否有截止日期 学期?

There is no deadline for requesting 残疾 住宿. 一个人可能会发展 a 残疾 in the course of a 学期 or a pre-existing condition that formerly 没有实质性影响的学生的学习成绩可能会恶化吗. 此外,许多学生决定尝试在没有住宿的情况下上学, 但发现这是不现实的. The latter is quite frequent among traditional-age 因接受服务而感到耻辱和/或羞耻的新生 在k - 12.

我有义务为学生的表现申请临时住宿吗 and participation if I receive the Letter of Accommodation well into the 学期? 这名学生透露,他们受到了住宿设施所解决的问题的影响 earlier in the 学期, but were unable to get to 残疾人服务.

The law does not require faculty to provide “retroactive 住宿.”

如果一个学生没有确定自己有学习需求,我该怎么办? 但我怀疑是有必要的?

如果你怀疑一名学生有残疾,但没有说明他/她的身份,那就是残疾 建议你私下和学生见面,对你观察到的情况给予反馈, and ask the student if assistance is needed. 如果答案表明有历史记录 说明残障服务中心可以提供帮助和服务 信息查询. If the student rejects the suggestion, respect that decision.

我明白我所有的课程材料必须是可访问的,包括教学大纲,视频 handouts, and assigned videos and readings posted on Canvas. 我如何获得帮助 履行这一义务?

  • 图书馆可以帮助识别字幕视频时,选择您的 内容.
  • The IT Knowledge Base has instructions for captioning video created with TechSmith Relay(原Camtasia).
  • The IT Knowledge Base has multiple resources to guide the production of accessible documents, including, PDF and PowerPoint formats.
  • 残障服务中心为学生提供有文件证明的教科书 残疾的人.
  • 残障服务可以协助将课堂讲义转换成无障碍的 有阅读障碍的学生需提前1-2周通知 材料的性质和复杂性.

A student who has presented me with a Letter of Accommodation is behaving in a way that is disruptive (or disturbing) to the class. 我该怎么办??

All students, whether or not they have a 残疾, must comply with the College 行为准则. If a student with a 残疾 presents with problematic behavior, 你应该像对待非残疾学生一样,首先向他或她提出这个问题, 在私人场合. Identify in concrete terms the nature of the behavior that concerns 你,对班级的影响,并描述所需的变化,以确保生产 and respectful learning environment for all students. 邀请学生讨论 如何做到这一点呢. (E.g., if a student is dominating a class with questions or comments, the student might limit his or her contributions to 2-3 times during 在课堂上,尽量把评论限制在几句话之内,并指出剩下的要点 给你发邮件或课后.)

I have spoken with the student about disruptive behavior ...

  1. The student has told me this is due to 残疾 and reminded me that she/he has 住宿 from the 残疾人服务. 我必须适应这些行为吗 它们是由于残疾造成的?
  2. The student agreed to modify his or her behavior, but does not seem able to do so 以持续的方式. 现在发生了什么??

在这两种情况下,你都应该联系残疾人服务中心讨论情况. While all students, regardless of 残疾 status, must comply with the College 行为准则,残疾学生影响他们的能力,必须这样做 be offered appropriate supports if these exist, to participate in College programs 和活动. Frequently the need for this type of support will not have been known 寄给残障服务中心或学生 写.

A student has brought a dog to class and informs me that it is a service animal; however, I have not received any notification from 残疾人服务. 我需要许可证吗 课堂上的动物?

服务性动物受《冰球突破豪华版》保护.D.A. 修订案. 再者,权利 有服务性动物陪伴被认为是一种接触,而不是一种伤害 住宿. A person who requires a service animal does not need to request 许可 from 残疾人服务, just as a person who needs a wheelchair need not obtain 许可. Note that this protection applies only to service animals (only dogs and occasionally miniature horses); it does not apply to emotional support animals (sometimes called comfort animals or therapy animals). 请记住,有些残疾是针对哪些人的 人使用服务性动物是看不见的. 关于这个话题的问题,请提问 contact the Director of 残疾人服务.


Our team is available Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. 到5点.m. 

你可透过电邮联络残障服务 残疾的人@fc-daudenzell.com or 215-641-6575.